Tuesday 15 January 2008

Post-Europe Trip Reflection #12: In Conclusion.

What a whirlwind! I am certainly proud to say that we traveled over 3000 km (actually I don't even remember what the number was now and that number seems low seeing as how I drive 4000 km every year going to New Orleans) and got to drive through five countries! What North American gets to do that?! And it was very affordable. Getting to see friends who I hadn't seen in a long time, was wonderful. Perhaps too short. The girls I have lived with and met over the years through YWAM are people who will always be close to my heart and even though it had been so long, we were able to pick right back up and it was sad to leave so soon.

The way that our accommodations worked out and the fact that we got to leave those types of things until the last minute and they still worked out without stress, was so fun! Exactly how I liked it to be. Being able to make decisions about where to go and where to drive through next was our perfect way to explore Europe. For this time.

It certainly was a trip with its share of exhaustion and that was why spending those final days relaxing in rainy Liverpool was the perfect finish.

I probably wish that I had more time to take in more of certain places, such as the Louvre and other artsy things. Maybe a little less time shopping; but we had fun and it was a great bonding time for the four of us.

Italy was my favourite country out of the list although Italian bread was the worst! Overall food (if you couldn't tell) was a highlight. The cost of Europe definitely is alarming for a Canadian although the way we did transportation worked out well and none of us were particularly wanting to do the backpack thing this time around. As always happens in my travels, I am inspired to return to places and explore further. We'll see.

(Yay! This post-trip reflection is officially finished.)


Chris Whitler said...

Well, I'm all caught up. I really enjoyed your travel writing. Sound like fun. The "excellence" article was, well, excellent and I am going to link it from my blog as well. thanks for thinking of sharing it. Are you going to bring your sweet new leather jacket to Northern Cali this February...we still get cool nights then and you'll want it if you go to the ocean. You descriptions of food made me want the real deal Italian. Europe, not on an outreach...now there's an idea!

Anonymous said...

Just got caught up on your and Gildawnalad's blogs... good trip! Makes me miss Europe but you gotta love le Canada. Greg

Anonymous said...

Well I to but I contemplate the list inform should have more info then it has.

Anonymous said...

Again a good post. Thanks your achates