One final drive in our VW van from Versailles to Charles de Gaulle airport. Catching a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower one final time through the morning mist was nice and video taping the motorcyclists who would drive on either side of us BETWEEN the lanes was a wonderful way to end our time in France.
Got ourselves to the airport and then decided to drive back to a gas station since the rental company would penalize us if the tank wasn't full.
Many hours later, the four us were reunited in Brighton, England. Coming from different terminals in Paris, different airports in London and different trains and buses, we still somehow managed to arrive to Sharon's granny's in two different cabs driving behind one another! Bizarre!
Spent an evening together, enjoying fish and chips at the Brighton Pier. Here are the others in their Italian leather jackets at the pier. We were very thankful at this point for warm and weather resistant clothing.
Being in England again was really nice. I hadn't been there since the week I spent in Derby and Liverpool en route to Canada from India in December 2000. After living in England for nine months in 1998 and 1999, I am certainly critical of many things in England (ahem. the weather), but having any chance to visit people who mean a lot to me is largely embraced! And the opportunity to feel at home in another country and to look fondly on things that are uniquely English is a great privilege.
19 July
After one night in Brighton, we said goodbye to the ladies who were heading off to do the tourist thing in London (been there, done that) and headed for the airport again! Flying again. This time to Manchester. Being met by Sharon's parents was nice and for the four days, we were finally able to rest from our holiday! :) Being taken care of by mum was awesome and enjoying family meals and seeing old friends...that was a holiday!
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