Friday, 4 May 2007

I Gave In

Joined Facebook tonight. Sigh. More time spent online. You have to admit though, it's pretty cool. Excellent to see the Global Youth Network group (with lots of alumni, current travellers and photos)! Then there's the many lost high school friends...yikes. I hope they contact me first. :)

I also rented a Renault diesel, manual wagon today! To be picked up in Paris in July! Very exciting stuff. As much as I would have loved to take the train, this is going to be an excellent deal and we can tread off the beaten path as much as we'd like and not be on specific schedules. Next step, find some affordable accommodation in Paris.

I really love how God is one step ahead of me. Once again, on the topic of employment, he is spot on! I've been contemplating an extra summer job lately and wonder of wonders, a friend approached me today to tell me that the boss of the sign shop I have previously worked at is looking to hire someone. And my friend mentioned me to him without knowing that I may even be interested.

Now even though I had been thinking about a farm job over the summer (seriously, I like weeding, the heat and the sun), the way that this topic randomly came up is striking me as a bit of a possible God thing. God even has a sense of humor, since one of my trained tasks at the sign shop is actually called "weeding"!

I have story after story of how God faithfully has provided income and/or employment at just the time I needed it. Ever since I joined this crazy YWAM/Global world. There were my days at The Pita Pit--as low-paid as it was, it was flexible and exactly what I needed at the time. Then right as that shop closed up, there was this sign job opportunity which also was flexible and a marvelous blend of fun, technicality and art! Then one day, there was no more work there. But when I started to be concerned, these ESL tutoring jobs came up. Then the students all went back to Korea, but Global got its act together a bit and started helping us out!

Now there's school and holiday costs to cover and here my most amazing Friend goes. He's so generous, I love it!

"For God is sheer beauty,
all-generous in love,
loyal always and ever."

1 comment:

Gilad Cohen said...

hey beth,

thanks so much for giving me an update on dawna´s situation... i have no way of contacting her (they dont have access to the internet) and so its really tough going for 30 days without knowing whats up. in any case, i´m very happy to hear she´s doing okay.

everything here in venezuela is awesome... we´re having a great time... and i can´t wait to get home and share all the pictures and stories with you all.

let the family at global know that i say hello and that i miss em...

see ya soon beth,
